On-line, double-conversion mode (default)
Typical line efficiency at full load: 89%
Output voltage range: ± 2% of nominal setting (200/208/220/230/240V)
Economy mode
Typical line efficiency at full load: 97%
Output voltage range: -12%/+10% of nominal setting (200/208/220/230/240V)
Frequency Conversion
The UPS system automatically selects 50 Hz or 60 Hz operation based on utility power
conditions at start-up and regulates output power within ± 0.05 Hz of the selected
frequency. The UPS system also has an advanced setting that allows continuous frequency
conversion from 50 Hz to 60 Hz or from 60 Hz to 50 Hz. The advanced frequency
conversion setting is accessible through the included PowerAlert software or the optional
WEBCARDLX internal accessory card. When continuous frequency conversion is enabled,
the maximum output capacity of the UPS system is derated by 25%.
3.3 Front Panel Indicator Lights
All LEDs illuminate during a UPS system self-test.
3. Operation
This green LED will illuminate continuously to
indicate the UPS system is operating normally in on-line mode
(filtering and resynthesizing AC line input to provide pure sine wave
output). When this LED is illuminated, the load level of the UPS
system is displayed on the % level LEDs (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%).
This green LED will illuminate continuously to indicate
the utility-supplied AC line voltage at the wall outlet is nominal. It
will flash if the line voltage is outside the nominal range (either too
low or too high). User action is not required when the LED flashes;
the UPS system continuously and automatically filters AC line
power to provide equipment with pure sine wave AC power,
regardless of brownout or overvoltage conditions. If this LED is off,
then AC line voltage is not present (blackout) or is at an extremely
high voltage, and the UPS system will provide connected
equipment with power from its battery system.
This yellow LED will illuminate continuously when
the UPS system is in economy mode. The LED will flash when the
UPS system is bypass mode, indicating that the UPS system’s DC/
AC inverter is deactivated. The red “FAULT” LED will also illuminate
if the UPS system is in bypass mode. During normal operation the
bypass LED will illuminate briefly when the unit is plugged in. If an
internal fault or overload occurs, the LED will flash repeatedly to
show that connected equipment will receive filtered AC line power,
but will not receive battery power during a blackout. In this case,
contact Tripp Lite for service.
This red LED will flash when the UPS system detects
an internal fault. If the condition persists after restarting the UPS
system, see
Section 4: Troubleshooting
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