4. Configuration
Fixed Mouse Speed
This mode translates the mouse movements from the Remote Console in a way that one pixel move will lead to
pixel moves on the remote system. This parameter n is adjustable via scaling. It should be noted that this
works only when mouse acceleration is turned off on the remote system.
Single/Double Mouse Mode
This mode is described in the Section called Single and Double Mouse Mode.
The automatic mouse speed mode performs the speed detection during mouse synchronization. Whenever the mouse does
not move correctly, there are two ways to re-synchronize the local and remote mouse:
Fast Sync:
Fast synchronization is used to correct a temporary but fixed skew. Choose this option from the Remote Console
Options menu (entry: Mouse Handling). If defined, you may also press the mouse synchronization hotkey
sequence (see the Section called Remote Console Control Bar in Chapter 5 for details).
Intelligent Sync:
If the Fast Sync does not work or the mouse settings have been changed on the host system, use the Intelligent
Synchronization instead. This method adjusts the parameters for the actual movement of the mouse pointer so
that the mouse pointer is displayed at the correct position on the screen. This method takes more time than the
Fast Sync and can be accessed with the appropriate item in the Remote Console Option menu (entry: Mouse
Handling). The Intelligent Synchronization requires a correctly adjusted picture. Use the Auto Adjustment
function or the manual correction in the Video Settings panel to setup the picture. In addition, the shape of the
mouse pointer has a significant influence on the pointer detection. We recommend using a simple, but common
pointer shape. In most cases, the detection and synchronization of animated pointer shapes is likely to fail. In
general, pointer shapes that change during the pointer detection process are hard to figure out in the transferred
video picture. With the usage of a standard mouse pointer shape, the detection is much simpler and the
synchronization is at its best.
Figure 4-3. Remote Console Control Bar: Sync Button
The behavior of the Sync Mouse button on top of the Remote Console depends on the current state of mouse
synchronization. Pressing this button usually leads to a Fast Sync, except in situations where the video mode has been
changed recently. See also the Section called Remote Console Control Bar in Chapter 5.
At first start, if the local mouse pointer is not synchronized with the remote mouse pointer, press the Auto
Adjust Button once.
Auto Mouse Speed and Mouse Synchronization