Model 38 Series
I n s t a l l a t i o n , O p e r a t i o n , & M a i n t e n a n c e M a n u a l
The TRION Industrial Precipitator is a two-stage, dual
voltage, electronic air cleaner designed to remove
particulate matter from gas.
In the first stage of operation, the particles to be collected
pass through an ionizer where they are electrically
charged, by a corona discharge, regardless of their size.
In the second stage of operation, these charged particles
pass into a collector where they are electrically attracted
and collected.
The ionizer consists of electrically charged, 24 Ga.
stainless steel spiked blades supported between
grounded electrodes. The collector consists of a series
of parallel plates arranged so that each alternate plate is
electrically grounded. The charged plates are of the same
polarity as the ionizing bladed and charged particles so
that they repel, while grounded plates, being of opposite
polarity, attract.
Three distinct functional components comprise the
complete cleaner:
1. An ionizer to ionize the particulate matter in the gas.
2. A collector to collect the ionized particles.
3. A power supply to furnish the high voltage direct
current required by the ionizer and collector.
Usually, this particular model series is applied to collect
particulate matter in the form of mist. When collected, the
particles coalesce into liquid droplets of adequate weight
causing them to roll off the vertically positioned collector
plates where they drain away to a predesignated location.
The ionizing and collecting sections are primarily
constructed of aluminum, can be easily handled, and
slide into the cabinet like drawers. A perforated steel
baffle, located on the discharge side of the collector
section, provides protection especially on units installed
with an open discharge. The baffle also slides into the
cabinet like a drawer. All three of these components are
accessible through a single, side mounted, access panel.
Internally, the following materials are exposed and
subjected to the gas flow through the cabinet:
• Aluminum
• Stainless Steel
• Mild Steel
• Silicone Rubber
• Nylon
• Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester
The steel cabinet contains two pre-drilled mounting bars.
Depending on the specifications, the cabinet is provided
with pipe flanges, both on the inlet and the outlet for “in-
line” installation or with a pipe flange on the inlet and an
open outlet for free discharge installation. The inlet flange
contains a flame arrestor which serves as a strainer as
well as protection against any possible flaming caused by
arc over in the collector. The flame arrestor is required
on all applications using the Model 38. Appropriate
location placement for the piping/threaded filter type must
be included for system protection. This arrestor must be
ordered separately.
The power supply is contained on the unit access panel
in a weatherproof enclosure. It converts the alternating
current input into the high voltage direct current necessary
to energize the ionizing and collecting sections. Supply
line power is connected to the unit in a weatherproof
junction box (IP-54) and is delivered to the transformer
primary through an oil proof cable connected to the
enclosure through a quick connect fitting. In addition to
the necessary high voltage components, the secondary
contains a pilot light to indicate proper operating voltages.
For 220-240 VAC units, a 1.2 Amp fuse is installed for
added protection in the terminal block in the field wiring
junction box. The TRION part number for the 5 mm x 20
mm fuse is 151678-001.
Clean Air
Dirty Air