5. Trigon-Touch Remote Control
5.18 Settings
Figure 5.25: Settings
Certain Settings can also be made
through the "Trigon Touch" remote con-
trol. So, independently of the system,
you can change the language as a test
and make various other settings. For
those of you who already have a mu-
sic collection on a external hard disc,
there is the option here of starting a
cover scan with the USB icon, which im-
ports all covers for the remote control.
These covers must be located in the cor-
responding album folder as "folder.jpg".
Of course, you can also assign a picture
to any artist folders that are present. In
the case of larger collections, this pro-
cess needs some time and is carried out
in the background.
5.18.1 Settings icons
Display on/off
Switch the text display on the front of the CHRONOLOG on
and off.
LED on/off
Switch the bit and sample rate display in the CHRONOLOG
on and off.