TE0790 TRM
Revision: v.37
Copyright © 2019 Trenz Electronic GmbH
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4.1 Key Features
Xmod form-factor
size: 20 x 25 mm
M3 mounting hole
USB2.0 port High Speed (480 Mbps) and Full Speed (12 Mbps) compatible
Entire USB protocol handled on the chip
USB2.0 to JTAG, SPI and I²C conversion provided by the IC's Multi-Protocol Synchronous Serial
Engine (MPSSE)
USB2.0 to UART conversion
Channel B UART RX/TX LED's
Mini-USB B connector (more rigid then micro-USB)
Lattice XO2-256 CPLD
on board programmable using Lattice tools
8 universal I/O pins
VCCIO either 3.3V or user supplied (1.8 to 3.3V)
RED user LED
12 MHz clock from on-board Oscillator
Variable power supply of the XMOD adapter board
by Mini USB2.0 connector
by base-board through pin header J2
GREEN Power-on LED
User button
4 position DIP switch
Choose CPLD program mode
FTDI EEPROM disable (not implemented in PCB REV 1)
Use VIO same as VCC
Use VCC from USB
Important notice on TE0790-xx variants:
Do not access the FT2232H EEPROM using FTDI programming tools, doing so will erase normally invisible
user EEPROM content and invalidate stored Xilinx JTAG license. Without this license the on-board JTAG
will not be accessible any more with any Xilinx tools. Software tools from FTDI website do not warn or ask
for confirmation before erasing user EEPROM content.