TransVu Compact
Time and Date
This menu allows the time and date to be set on the unit. Required timezone information can also be
established and the unit time synchronised to that of the PC being used to view the webpages.
System Time
The current system time and date is displayed.
Current Time Zone
Displays the currently selected time zone settings.
Time Zone
Select the relevant timezone offset from the accompanying drop down menu.
Reset (Red)
When a change has been made to the unit’s Time Zone setting, it is necessary
to reset the unit before the change will take effect.
Date Format
As default, the date is entered dd/mm/yy. It can also be displayed as mm/
dd/yy or yy/mm/dd.
Time Format
As default, the time displayed is in 12 hour format. This can be changed to
24 hour if required.
SNTP Server
A Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server allows external devices to
connect and set their current date and time settings to that of the SNTP. If
required, enter the SNTP server IP address here.
Set Time
Enter a current time for the unit.
Set Date
Enter a current date for the unit.
Set Time (Green)
When current time/date as been entered, select this button to implement changes.
PC Time
Displays the system time of the PC currently being used to view the webpages.
Sync Time (Blue)
Use this button to synchronise the time of the unit to that of the PC being
used to view the webpages.
Note: The PC Time and Sync Time options will only be available if viewing the menu via
the webpages.