Step 13: System Controller Setup
coordinate lights with HVAC or multiple HVAC units together. Areas can also be used to
show lighting BOPs on the display.
Name areas suitably, as area names are shown on the Tracer Display main screen.
Spaces and area names will that are longer than 12 characters will wrap on the
main screen.
Coordinate Multiple HVAC Units with an Area
To coordinate or share setpoints among multiple HVAC units, do the following with area
When adding the HVAC member, check that the space will participate in calculations.
This is required to calculate the average Space Temperature (even if there is only one
RTU in the area) to be shown on the display.
Figure 4.
Configure area members
For every space that is a member of an Area, create
Global Referencers
to send setpoints from area (as adjusted on the display) to its members. This ensures
that the points are synchronized between the space and area, so the user sees the
setpoints accurately on the display. For example, the offset must be the same for the
display to show the actual setpoint for the space.
Figure 5.
Global referencers
Table 2.
Global referencers
Lighting Only Control
To control lights from the main screen, setup an area with
member types.
Source (Area)
Destination (RTU)
Space Temperature Setpoint
Space Temperature Setpoint BAS
Occupied Offset
Occupied Offset
Standby Offset
Occupied Standby Offset
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
Unoccupied Heating Setpoint
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint
Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint