Installation - Mechanical
Water Pressure Gauges and Thermometers
Install fi eld-supplied thermometers and pressure gauges (with manifolds, whenever practical). Locate pressure
gauges or taps in a straight run of pipe; avoid placement near elbows, etc. Be sure to install the gauges at the same
elevation on each shell if the shells have opposite-end water connections.
Water Pressure Relief Valves
Install a pressure relief valve in both evaporator and condenser water systems. Failure to do so could result in Heat
Exchanger damage.
When shutoff valves are installed on the water circuits, the water temperature can increase and create a high
pressure in the water systems. Refer to applicable regulation for relief valve installation guidelines.
Flow Sensing Devices
Use fi eld-provided fl ow switches or differential pressure switches with pump interlocks to sense system water fl ow.
To provide chiller protection, install and wire fl ow switches in series with the water pump interlocks, for both chilled
water and condenser water circuits (refer to the “Installation Electrical” section). Specifi c connections and schematic
wiring diagrams are shipped with the unit.
Flow switches must stop or prevent compressor operation if either system water fl ow drops off drastically. Follow
the manufacturer’s recommendations for selection and installation procedures. General guidelines for fl ow switch
installation are outlined below.
• Mount the switch upright, with a minimum of 5 pipe diameters of straight, horizontal run on each side.
• Do not install close to elbows, orifi ces or valves.
The arrow on the switch must point in the direction of the water fl ow. To prevent switch fl uttering, remove all
air from the water system.
The Tracer UC800 provides a 6-second time delay on the fl ow switch input before shutting down the unit
on a loss-of-fl ow diagnostic. Contact a qualifi ed service organization if nuisance machine shutdowns persist.
Adjust the switch to open when water fl ow falls below nominal. Refer to the General Data table for minimum fl ow
recommendations. Flow switch contacts are closed on proof of water fl ow.
Refrigerant Pressure Relief Valve Venting
To prevent injury due to inhalation of refrigerant gas, do not discharge refrigerant anywhere. If multiple chillers are
installed, each unit must have separate venting for its relief valves. Consult local regulations for any special relief
line requirements.
All relief valve venting is the responsibility of the installing contractor. All RTSF units use condenser pressure relief
valves that must be collected. Relief valve connection sizes and locations are shown in the unit submittals. Refer to
national regulations for relief valve vent line sizing information.
Do not exceed vent piping code specifi cations. Failure to heed specifi cations could result in capacity reduction, unit
damage and/or relief valve damage.
Note: Once opened, relief valves tend to leak.