Installation - Mechanical
If the chiller is to be stored more than one month prior to installation, observe the following precautions:
• Do not remove the protective coverings from the electrical panel.
• Store the chiller in a dry, vibration-free, secure area.
• At least every three months, attach a gauge and manually check the pressure in the refrigerant circuit.
If the refrigerant pressure is below 3.4 bar at 21°C (2 bar at 10 °C), call a qualifi ed service organization
and the appropriate Trane sales offi ce.
Pressure will be approximately 1.0 bar if shipped with the optional nitrogen charge.
Noise Considerations
• Refer to Engineering Bulletin for sound consideration applications.
• Locate the unit away from sound-sensitive areas.
• Install the isolation pads under the unit. Refer to “Unit Isolation.”
• Install rubber vibration isolators in all water piping.
• Use fl exible electrical conduit for fi nal connection to the Tracer UC800.
• Seal all wall penetrations.
Consult an acoustical engineer for critical applications.
Provide rigid, non-warping mounting pads or a concrete foundation of suffi cient strength and mass to support
the chiller operating weight (including completed piping and full operating charges of refrigerant, oil and water).
Refer to General information for unit operating weights.
Once in place, level the chiller within 5 mm over its length and width.
The manufacturer is not responsible for equipment problems resulting from an improperly designed or constructed
Vibration Eliminators
• Provide rubber boot type isolators for all water piping at the unit.
• Provide fl exible conduit for electrical connections to the unit.
• Isolate all pipe hangers and be sure they are not supported by main structure beams that could introduce vibration
into occupied spaces.
• Make sure that the piping does not put additional stress on the unit.
Do not use metal braided type eliminators on the water piping. Metal braided eliminators are not effective at
the frequencies at which the unit will operate.
Provide enough space around the unit to allow the installation and maintenance personnel unrestricted access to
all service points. A minimum of 1 m is recommended for compressor service and to provide suffi cient clearance
for the opening of control panel doors. In all cases, local codes will take precedence over these recommendations.
If the room confi guration requires a variance to the clearance dimensions, contact your sales representative.
Required vertical clearance above the unit is at least 1 m. There should be no piping or conduit located over
the compressor motor.
Maximum clearances are given. Depending on the unit confi guration, some units may require less clearance
than others in the same category.
The unit produces heat even though the compressor is cooled by the refrigerant. Make provisions to remove heat
generated by unit operation from the equipment room. Ventilation must be adequate to maintain an ambient
temperature lower than 40°C. Vent the pressure relief valves in accordance with all local and national codes. Refer to
“Pressure Relief Valves”. Make provisions in the equipment room to keep the chiller from being exposed to ambient
temperatures below 10°C.