Installation - Electrical
Condenser Water Flow Interlock
The Tracer UC800 shall accept an isolated contact closure input from a customer installed proof-of-fl ow device such
as a fl ow switch and customer provided pump starter auxiliary contact for interlocking with condenser water fl ow.
The input shall be fi ltered to allow momentary openings and closings of the switch due to turbulent water fl ow, etc.
This shall be accomplished with a 6 seconds fi ltering time. The sensing voltage for the condenser water fl ow switch
is 115/240 VAC.
On a call for cooling after the restart inhibit timer has timed out, the Tracer UC800 shall energize the condenser water
pump relay and then check the condenser water fl ow switch and pump starter interlock input for fl ow confi rmation.
Startup of the compressor will not be allowed until fl ow has proven. If fl ow is not initially established within
1200 seconds (20 minutes) of the condenser pump relay energizing, an automatically resetting diagnostic
“Condenser Water Flow Overdue” shall be generated which terminates the prestart mode and denergizes the
condenser water pump relay. This diagnostic is automatically reset if fl ow is established at any later time.
Note: This diagnostic would never automatically reset if Tracer UC800 was in control of the condenser pump through
its condenser pump relay since it is commanded off at the time of the diagnostic. It could however reset and allow
normal chiller operation if the pump was controlled from some external source.
Programmable Relays (Alarm and Status)
Tracer UC800 provides a fl exible alarm or chiller status indication to a remote location through a hard wired interface
to a dry contact closure. 4 relays are available for this function as a Quad Relay Output LLID and a second quad
relay board can be fi eld mounted if more than 4 different alarm/status are needed (refer to your local Trane service).
The events/states that can be assigned to the programmable relays are listed in the following table.