The F1's Volume faders behave just like the Filter knobs and control the corresponding Re-
mix Deck faders on the software's user interface. If the Volume faders in the software have
been moved so that they don't match the position of the F1's Volume faders, when you
move the faders on the F1, the faders on the software will snap to the hardware faders' po-
Adjusting the Gain of a Sample as Opposed to its Volume
When performing with a number of Samples in a Remix Set, you will almost certainly encoun-
ter a situation where the gain (audio volume) of one Sample is not "matched" with the gain of
the other Samples.
Now here's the solution: when the Volume fader is moved while holding SHIFT, the Sample Slot's
volume is adjusted as normal, but an opposite adjustment is applied to the Sample's gain at the
same time. The net effect of this operation is that the output level of the Sample Slot does not
change — any attenuation applied to the Sample Slot's volume is applied as an amplification
to the Sample's gain, or vice versa.
Although this might sound confusing, it is a very useful feature! Two examples illustrate situa-
tions where you would do this:
Example 1: In Sample Slot 1 there is a Sample which is too loud compared to the other Samples,
while all Volume faders are at their maximum (all the way up) position.
Use the Volume fader to bring the level of Sample Slot 1 down to the right volume.
Then, holding SHIFT, move the Volume fader back up to the maximum.
Because TRAKTOR attenuates the gain of the Sample while the volume is turned up, the
Sample will still be at the same quieter volume, even though the Volume fader is now all
the way up. The gain is now set correctly for that Sample Cell.
The Sample gain adjustment (using SHIFT + Volume fader) only adjusts the gain for the
currently playing Sample Cell. The other Sample Cells in the same Sample Slot (column)
will not be affected!
Example 2: Let's say that in Sample Slot 3 you have the opposite problem: the Sample is too
quiet, even with the Volume fader for Slot 3 all the way up.
Press and hold SHIFT while pulling the Volume fader for Sample Slot 3 down a bit. Re-
member: you won't hear any changes because the gain of the Sample is being
by the same amount that the Sample Slot volume is
Performance Mode
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 63