Press and hold the SHIFT button, and then press the four Mute (STOP) buttons below the
Pad Matrix one by one to stop all Sample Slots and reset all playheads to the Sample
start positions.
Fixing the Second Page of the Sample Grid
In the following section, we are going to concentrate on the second page of the tutorial Remix
Set ("Remix Deck Tutorial"). First of all, we'll need to put the F1's focus on to page two of the
Remix Set.
Flipping Through the Pages
Right now, the F1's display should read "P1" to indicate that you are looking at the first page
of this Remix Set. Remember that a Remix Set can have up to four pages, with a total of sixty-
four Samples loaded into it.
Now turn the encoder knob one notch clockwise. You'll see a brief pad animation to indi-
cate that you've switched pages. The display now shows "P2," indicating that you are on
the second page of the Remix Set. If you continue to turn the encoder knob, you'll see
that pages three and four are empty. Flip back up to page two.
The F1's display indicating page 2 of the Remix Deck's Sample Grid.
Tutorials and Workflows
Fixing the Second Page of the Sample Grid
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 34