TracPhone V3-IP User’s Guide
Data Connections
Firewall Protection
A firewall can prevent most applications from accessing the Internet
without your knowledge, as well as protect your devices from outside
intrusion. KVH recommends that you enable the firewall on your
router or individual network devices.
Web Browser Settings
All popular web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
Google Chrome, and Apple Safari, offer various tools that allow you to
minimize the amount of data they consume. Consider these options:
Limit Multimedia Downloads
Set up your browser to disable multimedia content embedded in
websites from playing automatically.
Enable Pop-Up Blocker
Many consumer websites overlay small pop-up windows over the
main page to launch ads. Turn on your web browser’s pop-up blocker
to prevent these from running and consuming data. Your web browser
might also offer tools to block websites or types of content that you
specify, or allow access to only certain websites that you trust.
Maximize Caching of Web Pages
By default, web browsers automatically refresh the content they have
stored in their cache. If the browser finds a new version of a website is
available, it will delete the version it has stored locally and download
the new one. KVH recommends you set up your browser to download
new versions of web pages only when you visit them, and also
increase the size of the cache to the maximum level permitted for your
Disable Preloading of Web Pages
The mobile version of Google Chrome (the default browser on
Android devices) speeds up web browsing by preloading the
destination web pages of links shown on the currently viewed page.
This feature consumes an enormous amount of data and should be
Avoid Multiple Browsing Tabs
KVH recommends that you browse the web using a single open
browser tab. Any tabs left open in the background may continue to
consume data.