TracPhone V3-IP User’s Guide
Spread Spectrum
A type of communication method by which the information signal
energy is spread over a frequency band much wider than the
minimum bandwidth required for transmitting the information. The
resulting low power level across the full bandwidth does not interfere
with neighboring satellites, so the width of the transmitted beam is not
as critical as it is with traditional VSAT antennas.
Service Set Identifier. Unique identifier shared by all computers and
devices on a single wireless network.
Straight-through Cable
Cable in which the pins at one end match the pins at the other end.
Subdivision of a network based on IP address. For example, with a
subnet mask of “,” all computers and devices assigned an
IP address starting with “195.172.8” belong to one subnet (there are
255 possible). An IP address starting with “195.172.9” designates a
different subnet.
Subnet Mask
Divides the latter portion of an IP address into subnet and host
designations. For example, in a regular class B network, the first two
numbers in an IP address define the network ID while the last two
numbers define the host ID (the individual computer or device on that
network). A subnet mask changes the format of these last two
numbers by designating the third number as the subnet ID and
designating the last number as the host ID (the computer or device
within that subnet).
Device that connects two segments of a LAN. Routes data from one
segment to another based on the MAC address of the destination.