The following traffic information of the radio is displayed:
Rx Packets
Displays the total number of the received packets on the 2.4GHz/5GHz
band since the EAP starts up.
Tx Packets
Displays the total number of the sent packets on the 2.4GHz/5GHz band
since the EAP starts up.
Rx Bytes
Displays the total received traffic on the 2.4GHz/5GHz band since the EAP
starts up.
Tx Bytes
Displays the total sent traffic on the 2.4GHz/5GHz band since the EAP starts
Rx Dropped
Displays the total number of the dropped packets which are received on
the 2.4GHz/5GHz band since the EAP starts up.
Tx Dropped
Displays the total number of the dropped packets which are sent on the
2.4GHz/5GHz band since the EAP starts up.
Rx Errors
Displays the total number of error packets which are received on the
2.4GHz/5GHz band since the EAP starts up.
Tx Errors
Displays the total number of error packets which are sent on the
2.4GHz/5GHz band since the EAP starts up.
Monitor LAN Traffic
You can view the LAN traffic of EAP.
The following traffic information of the LAN is displayed:
Rx Packets
Displays the total number of received packets in the LAN since the EAP
starts up.
Tx Packets
Displays the total number of sent packets in the LAN since the EAP starts
Rx Bytes
Displays the total received traffic in the LAN since the EAP starts up.
Tx Bytes
Displays the total sent traffic in the LAN since the EAP starts up.