Figure 14-9 LLDP-MED Neighbor Information
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Auto Refresh
Auto Refresh:
Enable/Disable the auto refresh function.
Refresh Rate:
Specify the auto refresh rate.
Neighbor Info
Port Select:
Click the
button to quick-select the corresponding port
based on the port number you entered.
Local Port:
Displays the local port number connecting to the neighbor device.
Device Type:
Displays the device type of the neighbor.
Application Type:
Displays the application type of the neighbor. Application Type
indicates the primary function of the applications defined for the
network policy.
Local Data Format:
Displays the location identification of the neighbor.
Power Type:
Displays the power type of the neighbor device, Power Sourcing
Entity (PSE) or Powered Device (PD).
Click the
button to display the detailed information of
the corresponding neighbor.
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