Retransmit Interval:
The retransmit interval for the specified interface. This is the
number of seconds between link-state advertisements for
adjacencies belonging to this router interface. This value is
also used when retransmitting database descriptions and
link-state request packets. The valid value ranges from 1 to
65535 seconds and the default is 5 seconds.
Hello Interval:
The hello interval for the specified interface in seconds. This
parameter must be the same for all routers attached to a
network. The valid value ranges from 1 to 65535 seconds
and the default is 10 seconds.
Dead Interval:
The dead interval for the specified interface in seconds. This
specifies how long a router will wait to see a neighbor
router's Hello packets before declaring that the router is
down. This parameter must be the same for all routers
attached to a network. The valid value ranges from 1 to
65535 seconds and the default is 40.
Transmit Delay:
The Transit Delay for the specified interface. This specifies
the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link
state update packet over the selected interface. The valid
value ranges from 1 to 65535 seconds and the default is 1
The link cost. OSPF uses this value in computing shortest
paths. The valid value ranges from 1 to 65535.
Network Type:
The OSPF network type on the interface. The default
network type for Ethernet interfaces is broadcast.
Passive Mode:
Make an interface passive to prevent OSPF from forming an
adjacency on an interface. OSPF advertises networks
attached to passive interfaces as stub networks. Interfaces
are not passive by default.
MTU Ignore:
Disables OSPF MTU mismatch detection on received
database description packets. Default value is Disable (MTU
mismatch detection is enabled).
Database Filter:
To prevent outgoing link-state advertisements (LSAs)
flooding out of an OSPF interface. The default is Disable, all
outgoing LSAs are flooded out of the interface.
Displays the authentication type of the interface. One of the
: No authentication.
: Use simple password.
: Use md5 message-digest algorithm.
Simple Key:
Displays the active simple password of the interface.
MD5 Key ID:
Displays the active MD5 key ID of the interface.
MD5 Key:
Displays the active MD5 key of the interface.