Install the Replacement Z-Axis Motor with Brake
1. Find the Z-axis motor with Z brake provided in the kit.
2. With the motor's wires facing the back of the machine, slip the motors shaft into the coupler on the ball
screw and set the motor on top of the Z-axis motor mount.
Figure 11: Replacement Z-axis motor installed onto the machine.
3. Tighten the coupler onto the shaft of the motor with a 4 mm hex wrench.
4. Verify that the Z-axis brake's manual override lever is slid to the left (in the engaged position). If it's not,
slide the lever to engage the brake.
5. Secure the Z-axis motor to the motor mount with the four M6 screws from the previous step.
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©Tormach® 2022
Specifications subject to change without notice.
TD10801: Installation Guide: 24R Z-Axis Brake Retrofit Kit (0722A)