PROGATE User manual V-2022-09-20
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Start automatic learning mode via mini USB cable (SERA2 software).
Go to SERA2> System Options> General system Options.
Select Dallas 1- Wire Bus (for iButton keys)
Press [Write]
Press [Start iButton/ RFID/ Phone programming mode]
Go to SERA2> Users/ Access control window.
Touch RFID keycards, iButton keys to the reader.
RFID keycard, iButton key numbers will appear in the list.
Go to System Options> General system Options and
To finish press [Stop programming]
Edit additional setting in the Users/ Access control window.
Press [Write]
Go to RT Testing & Monitoring> Hardware.
Press [Start Monitoring]
Go to RT Testing & Monitoring> Security Alarm Panel/ Access
Start the automatic key programming mode by SMS command
Send SMS message: INST000000
You will receive the message: iButton/RFID/Caller ID Learning
Mode is Switched ON
Touch RFID keycards to the RFID reader.
Sent the message: INST000000
You will receive the message: iButton/RFID/Caller ID Learning
Mode Stopped
INST = Install. Configuration of the parameters.
000000= Installer‘s password
˽= Space character
063= command code (iButton keys learning/deleting mode)
˽= Space character
S=iButton keys entering/deletion mode.
Disable iButton keys learning mode,
Enable iButton keys learning mode,
iButton keys deleting mode,
Delete these keys from memory, which will be touched to the
Before activating the RFID learning mode via SMS, the module
must have the appropriate System Options> General System
Options settings
Enter Keycard numbers manually via mini USB cable (SERA2 software).
Go to SERA2> System Options> General system
Select Dallas 1- Wire Bus (for iButton keys)
Press “Write”
Go to SERA2> Users/ Access control.
Enter RFID keycard, iButton key numbers
Edit other settings
Press "Write"
Go to RT Testing & Monitoring> Hardware
Press "Start Monitoring"
Go to Security Alarm Panel/ Access"
Touch the keycard to the RFID reader and iButton keys
to the probe