Atmospheric correction
Temperature input range:
- 30 to 60°C (in 0.1°C step)/ - 22 to 140°F (in 1°F step)
Pressure input range:
500 to 1,400 hPa (in 1hPa step)
375 to 1,050 mmHg (in 1mmHg step)
14.8 to 41.3 inchHg (in 0.1inchHg step)
ppm input range:
-499 to 499 ppm (in 1 ppm step)
Prism constant correction
-99 to 99 mm (in 1 mm step)
0mm fixed for reflectorless measurement
Earth curvature and refraction correction
No/Yes K=0.142/Yes K=0.20 (selectable)
Sea level correction
No/Yes (selectable)
: Slight haze, visibility about 20 km, sunny periods, weak scintillation.
: No haze, visibility about 40 km, overcast, no scintillation.
: Figures when both the elevation and depression angles of the laser beam are within 15° and
the instrument is facing the 360° Prism.
: Figures when the laser beam strikes within 30° of the reflective sheet target.
: Figures when using Kodak Gray Card White side (reflection factor 90%) and brightness level
is less than 5,000 lx.
: Figures when using Kodak Gray Card White side (reflection factor 90%) and brightness level
is less than 500 lx.
: Face the target toward the prism during the measurement with the distance at 10 m or less.
: Accuracy is (5 + 2 ppm X D) mm for distance range 0.3 to 0.66m.
: Figures will change depending on the target reflection factor, weather conditions and location