CFP-600L Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel
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1. Product Description
CFP 600L series conventional fire alarm panels are designed and manufactured in compliance with EN54 Parts
2 & 4 requirements.
The panel consists of a front operating control board, a switch mode power supply unit and a main CPU board
with input and output terminals. The panel comes in fixed 4, 8, 12 and 16 zone configurations, which makes it
suitable for small to medium size buildings.
If more zones are required, multiple panels can be connected together in a network to increase the total zone
capacity. Settings on the main board enable the panel to operate as a Sub Alarm Panel (SAP) or as a Master
Alarm Panel (MAP), with the latter having the control to Sound, Silence and Reset all the panels in a network.
Other features include simple and straight forward installation and operation procedures, key-switch protection
against unauthorized access to the system, zone test mode, day/night mode and one man walk test function.
2. Product Features
a) 4/8/12/16 Fire Alarm Zones
b) 2 Monitored Sounder Outputs
c) 1 Monitored Fire Alarm Output
d) 1 Fire Relay Output
e) 1 Fault Relay Output
f) 1 Resettable 24v Output
g) 1 Aux 24v Output
h) Delay Timer for day/night operation
i) Zone Test Mode
j) One Man Walk Test
k) Key-Switch Protection
l) CAN output for Repeater