CFP-600L Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panel
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Pressing the ‘Reset’ button for 5 seconds will set the panel into a service mode which
allows the followings:
10.3a Disable/Enable Sounder 1 by pressing the Silence Alarm Button.
10.3b Disable/Enable Sounder 2 by pressing the Mute Buzzer Button.
10.3c Disable/Enable Fire Aux and Fire Sent Outputs by pressing the Day/Night Mode Button.
10.3d Configure zone device by pressing the zone disable button.
Zone setting for
Manual Callpoint, Flowswitch or SAP
Zone setting for
Smoke or Heat Detector
(for Day/Night mode operation)
11. Testing and Commissioning
Install panel (do not connect the zone, input and output cables to the panel at this moment).
Turn on panel if mains supply is available, if not turn on using temporary supply or standby
Check panel functionality to ensure panel is working normally.
Visual and audible warnings (Lamp Test)
Basic Operations
(Sound, Silence, Reset, Disable…)
No unusual faults
Measure each pair of zone and input and output cables
Ensure cables are not shorted to Earth.
Ensure cables are not shorted or open circuit.
Ensure cables are free from any external voltage.
Able to read the EOL resistor value (4.7k ohm)
Connect the cables to the panel once you have done the above checks
Test all zones and inputs in the panel.
Trigger the fire detection and input devices physically. (Eg Smoke Detector, Manaual
Callpoint, Flowswtich, Tamper switch)
Simulation fault by removing a detector in the zone or disconnecting the zone or input
cables on site.
Ensure the panel is able to receive the simulated events and the locations tally with
the panel zone labels.
Test all fire alarm outputs
Ensure Sounders can be activated and silenced with the “Evacuation” and “Silence”
Ensure all outputs activate during fire.
Simulate output fault by remove cable from the device.