172-65702M-04 (SQ-C01) 10 Dec 2020
Hot water may flow out when water is initially supplied after restarting
operation. In addition, pay extra attention when changing the set
temperature or when the flow rate of hot water changes significantly
and check the temperature before use. To prevent burns, do not touch
hot water for at least five seconds after restarting operation. Residual hot
water in the piping may flow out when supplying hot water.
The unit should be operated in accordance with the proper operating
steps, within the specifications of the unit, such as the maximum
operating pressure (PMO) and maximum operating temperature (TMO).
Refrain from sudden operation of any valves. Failure to observe these
precautions is dangerous and may result in damage to the unit,
malfunctions or failure of the unit, or lead to serious accidents.
Do not rapidly reduce the valve opening on the hot water outlet. Failure
to observe this precaution is dangerous, as there is a possibility that
water at a temperature higher than the set temperature may
temporarily flow.
Do not change the temperature settings without informing the water user
when washing hands, using a shower or cleaning. Failure to do so may
result in burns to the water user.
Unit components such as steam piping may become hot during
operation. Do not touch components with bare hands.
In the event of an earthquake, close the main steam supply valve and
shut down the unit promptly. If the tube inside the heat exchanger of this
unit is damaged due to an earthquake, a large amount of steam will
enter the hot water piping, which may result in burns.
Valve and unit operation must be carried out by personnel who have
attended operation training ensuring the use of heat-resistant gloves,
helmet, protective glasses, etc. to prevent burns. Failure to do so may
result in burns, as the piping and cover of the unit become hot during
When finishing operation, the operation should be stopped in
accordance with the proper steps. Incorrect operation of the unit during
use for hand washing, showering, or cleaning, etc., may result in burns
due to malfunction, which causes the temperature of the water to rise
above the set temperature.
When draining water from the unit, make sure to wait until the unit has
cooled down. If carrying out work after hot water use, there is a risk of
burns, as the components and the water inside the unit are hot.
When the unit is shut down for a long period of time or there is a
possibility of freezing, make sure to completely discharge steam
condensate or water in the unit and its components such as the steam
piping, heat exchanger, etc. After doing so, there is a risk of burns or
injury during operation start-up, as fluid may be discharged from piping.
1. When using the unit continuously
a) Supply water by opening such as a thermostat faucet at the secondary side
on the unit.
b) When the temperature adjustment is required, turn the dial on the front of
the unit for adjustment.