B-4 Battery Backup Capacity
Battery backup capacity is defined as the maximum duration
of a power failure for which data in the cache memory can be
maintained by the battery. The BBM’s backup capacity varied
with the memory chips that installed on the RAID storage.
B-5 Operation
1. Battery conditioning is automatic. There are no manual pro-
cedures for battery conditioning or preconditioning to be per-
formed by the user.
2. In order to make sure of all the capacity is available for your
battery cells; allow the battery cell to be fully charged when
installed for the first time. The first time charge of a battery cell
takes about 24 hours to complete.
3. Set the “Disk Write Cache Mode”: Auto, if "Disk Write Cache"
option does not set on the “Auto”.
4. Set the volume set "Cache Mode": Write-Back Cache.
B-6 Battery Functionality Test Procedure
1. Write amount of data into controller volume, about 5GB or
2. Waiting for few seconds, power failed system by remove the
power cable
3. Check the battery status, battery beeps every few seconds.
4. Power on system, and login in the RAID storage.
5. Check the controller event log; make sure the event shows
controller boot up with power recovered.
B-7 Changing the Battery Backup Module
At some point, the LI-ION battery will no longer accept a charge
properly. LI-ION battery life expectancy is anywhere from ap-
proximately 1 to 5 years.
1. Power down the RAID storage properly. Make sure that cache
memory has been flushed.
2. Remove all “Round head screws” from the cabinet.
3. Disconnect the BBM cable from J5 on the RAID storage con-