“Alert Only”. The default is “Alert Only”
“Failed The Drive”- controllers kill off the SMART fail drive imme-
“Failed The Drive If Hot Sapre Exist” – controllers kill off the
SMART fail disk if hot sapre dive is existed.
“Alert” – it will trigger alert when there happens a SMART fail
• Smart Polling Interval
Besides the scheduled volume check, user can define the Smart
Pulling Interval to pull the SMART status of each disk. The de-
fault is “on demand”. User can schedule every certain period
of time interval to pull the SMART status of each disk. When
SMART pulling is executed, disk activity will be temporally halted
until the SMART parameter reading is finished. That is why you
don’t want to set the “ Smart Polling Interval” too frequent.
What to use is up to the users to decide based on their applica-
tions and experimental results.
4.8.2 Advanced Configuration
To set the RAID storage advanced system function, move the cur-
sor to the main menu and click the “Advanced Configuration” link.
The “Advanced Configuration” menu will show all items, and then
select the desired function.
• TLER Setting
TLER (time-limited error recovery) functions provide support for
WD Caviar RE (RAID) series disks. This is a new option from WD
to support RAID features that were traditionally missing from
standard desktop drives. TLER is a method of signaling the sys-
tem RAID controller in the event that an error recovery process