25 Configure Volume Set
ARC-8050 RAID storage is normally delivered with LCD pre-in-
stalled. Your ARC-8050 RAID storage can be configured by using
McRAID storage manager (launched by ArcHttp proxy server and
LAN port) or LCD with keypad (refer to ARC-8050_LCD manual).
Thunderbolt RAID storage default User Name is “admin” and the
Password is “0000”.
• Method 1: Thunderbolt Connection (McRAID Storage Manager)
ARC-8050 RAID storage has embedded the TCP/IP & web brows-
er-based RAID manager in the firmware. User can remote man-
age the RAID storage using Archttp proxy server installed via
standard web browsers.
Start McRAID Storage Manager – Browser Edition
(1) In Windows, right-click on “Start” menu and choose “Pro-
grams”. Clicking “MRAID” program icon starts the Archttp utility
(From the Start menu, choose Programs > MRAID > ArcHTTP).
(2) On a Mac, there is one MARID icon showing on your desk-
top. This icon is for you to start up the McRAID storage manager
(by ArcHTTP) and CLI utility.
When you click the archttp, it shows all RAID storages available
on the system and create an individual RAID storage icon lo-
cated on left column of the “Archttp Configurations” screen. This
RAID storage icon is for user to launch the selected RAID stor-
age web browser McRAID RAID Storage Manager.