Single Channel Stepper Motor Controller
Settings Panel
When the 'Settings' button on th e GUI pan el is clicked, the 'Settings' window is
displayed. This panel allows motor operation parameters such as move/jog velocities,
and stage/axis information to be modified. Note that all of these parameters have
programmable equivalents accessible through the ActiveX methods an d properties
on this Control (refer to the
Programming Guide
in the
APTServer helpfile
for further
details and to Section 2.2.4. for an overview of the APT ActiveX controls).
Moves/Jogs tab
Fig. 5.2 Stepper Motor Controller - Move/Jog Settings
Moves can be initiated via the GUI panel by entering a position value after clicking on
the position display box (see Section 4.4.) or by calling a software function (see the
APTServer helpfile). The following settings determine the velocity profile of such
moves, and are specified in real world units, millimetres or degrees.
Velocity Profile
(specified in real world units, millimetres or degrees).
- the maximum velocity at which to perform a move.
- the rate at which the velocity climbs from zero to maximum, and slows
from maximum to zero.
Under certain velocity parameter and move distance conditions, the
maximum velocity may never be reached (i.e. the move comprises an
acceleration and deceleration phase only).