THSEU101 User Manual
Rev. 1.00 |© THine Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved | Page 26 / 36
Scripting environment
One of the main features of the host application is enabling the user to read/write via text based scripts. For detailed
description of the scripting syntax refer to Appendix A: Scripting syntax.
There are five control buttons related to scripting environment:
“Help” - outputs scripting syntax and list of expected 2-wire devices and their addresses
“Info” - output list of camera devices and their indexes
“Re-init” - executes system re-initialization
“Run” - run script from the currently active script tab
“Cancel” - cancels script execution currently in progress
The scripting environment consists of two vertical panels: script input on the left, and script output on the right. Scripts
can be entered manually, as well as loaded from or saved into a text file. Using multiple tabs is helpful when multiple
scripts need to be staged.
Status panel
The status panel has two goals:
Provide real time status of the video being received. This status includes: resolution, frame rate, and other applicable
parameters of the video stream.
Display real time status of the V-by-One® HS Vision System Starter Kit state and settings. (while this is early in the project)
this status will be provided in form of system block diagram. The block diagram will have current video path highlighted.
State of all settings will be displayed near corresponding blocks, simplifying navigation through all configuration settings
available in the system.
Some error checking is possible as well. For example, if there are two DIP switches which should always be in specific
position at the same time (disconnecting Vx1 diff pair, for example), host application could detect it and notify the user.
Video status
Shows current video resolution and frame rate.