THSEU101 User Manual
Rev. 1.00 |© THine Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved | Page 11 / 36
Power output pins
Header P902 makes all on-board voltage rails available for the user.
Board-to-board HS connector
Generic high-speed connector is used to transmit all THCV241A signaling to Far-End connector board.
All applicable signal conditioning, CML Sub-Link overlay/extraction, power overlay/extraction, number of links selection
is done on connector boards. This approach makes the board-to-board connector completely generic across all of the
boards in V-by-One® HS Vision System Starter Kit.
The board to board connector is implemented with Samtec ERM8-020-01-S-D-RA-L-TR
. Refer to schematics for pinout
and other details.
THCV241A GPIO signals are routed to LEDs and to a generic header making these signals available for the user. These
signals are also routed to the DIP switches described below.
There are four LEDs connected to the four GPIO signals. Each LED will illuminate when there is a logic high present on
the signal.
Reset button
The reset button is connected to camera reset signal.