THSEU101 User Manual
Rev. 1.00 |© THine Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved | Page 14 / 36
Connector boards
V-by-One® HS Vision System Starter Kit allows to evaluate four cable/connector options:
Each of these interfaces is implemented via a pair of connector boards. Each pair consists of "Far-End" and "Near-End"
connector boards. The "Far-End" connector board connects to the camera board, and the "Near-End" connector board
connects to the Image Output board. Functionally, these boards are mirror image of each other. Physically, these boards
are different in terms of board-to-board connector gender and its placement.
Connector boards contain all signals conditioning circuitry and corresponding configuration options as it applies to Sub-
Link overlay, power overlay, number of links, etc.
Connector boards serve two purposes:
Adapt generic board-to-board interface to a specific cable/connector option.
Contain all conditioning circuitry needed for CML Sub-Link overlay, power over V-by-One® HS, and other
options (where applicable).
Connector boards also have circuitry that allows the host application to identify which connector cards are used in V-by-
One® HS Vision System Starter Kit. This sensing capability is used by the host application to evaluate current
configuration and identify configuration related problems.