SlideMate Integration Options
SlideMate Operator Guide, Revision 1.20
Page 15
In the example below, Data 1 is printed at the top of the slide.
For the second line, Data 1 is chosen to be printed again in Code128 barcode.
On the third line, the name of the patient, which was typed after the first comma, will be printed.
Fourth line will print the age and sex of the patient, which was stored in Data Field 3 and 4. This line
has been formatted using the Medium Font size.
Last line to print has been formatted with text information (see Figure 17). This entire line will print
using the Small Font size.
In this case, a sequence of three slides will be printed and each slide will be identified with its sequence
number. Current refers to the current slide printing and Total refers to the total number of slides in the