– Introduction
Thermo Scientific
Product Manual for the ERS 500 Suppressor
Page 13 of 84
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.
external water mode. The 2 mm suppressor is recommended for applications that use MS
detection due to the improved efficiency, and since less eluent enters the MS at the lower
operational flow rate.
The Dionex Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor for Carbonate Eluents (Dionex
AERS 500 Carbonate) is optimized for use with carbonate or carbonate/bicarbonate based
eluents and is available only as an anion version. The Dionex AERS 500 Carbonate hardware
design is similar to the Dionex AERS 500 hardware design from a sealing perspective and is
optimized for minimal band dispersion and improved flow performance. The Dionex AERS 500
Carbonate uses the same ion exchange membranes, screens, and resin materials as the standard
Dionex AERS 500 suppressor. The Dionex AERS 500 Carbonate is configured with a parallel
regenerant flow to facilitate easy supply and removal of regenerant and waste from the
regenerant compartments. The Dionex AERS 500 Carbonate operates similar to the Dionex
AERS 500 suppressor using electrolysis derived regenerant ions; however, it uses a three-
electrode design for the electrolysis function. The anode electrode is segmented into two
portions with an electrical gap. The anode electrodes are connected via a resistor thus resulting
in a lower applied current across the outlet section of the suppressor relative to the inlet section
of the suppressor. This design results in decreased gas production at the outlet, and as a
consequence, results in less variation in the suppressed background and is able to achieve low