4. Selecting a location
• The PIR has a number of detection zones at various horizontal
and vertical angles as shown below.
• A moving human body or object needs to cross one of these
zones to activate the sensor. The optimum height for this is
between 2m - 2.5m mouting height. Careful positioning of
the luminaire is required to ensure the best performance from
the PIR and the appointed approach path.
Effective Approach Path
Ineffective Approach Path
• Avoid positioning the PIR near any sources of heat in
and around the detection area such as extractor fans,
tumble dryers or boiler exhauhsts etc. This would also include
other light sources such as secuirty lights.
• Reflective surfaces (i.e. pools of water, white painted walls,
overhanging branches and other types of foliage) may cause
false activation under heightened weather conditions.