Multi Station
Vicat Test Apparatus
1.4 Guarantee
Apply our
General Terms of Sales and Delivery
in all cases.
The Manufacturer guarantees that this Operating Manual has been prepared in conformity with the technical
and functional parameters of the equipment as delivered. The Manufacturer reserves the right to add sup-
plementary information to this Operating Manual as required.
The guarantee provided by the Manufacturer is the legal guarantee. This guarantee does not cover wear-
and-tear parts.
The Manufacturer guarantees trouble-free operation only if the user observes the instructions in this Oper-
ating Manual, and only if the user employs the equipment for the purpose for which it is intended.
The Manufacturer shall not be liable for damages that may occur if the equipment is used for purposes for
which it is not intended, or if the User does not observe the instructions and rules for operation as set forth
in this Operating Manual.
No claims for damages may be lodged against the Manufacturer if the equipment is modified in its structural
or constructional characteristics without the prior written consent of the Manufacturer, or if its functional
characteristics are modified without such consent.
1.5 Acceptance of delivery and transport
1.5.1 Acceptance of delivery
When accepting delivery of the equipment, first inspect it for its outer, visible condition. If this inspection is
satisfactory, the device may be accepted from the freight forwarder (railways, parcel service, or other haul-
age company).
If there are no shortcomings, and if there are no transport damages, then use the bill of delivery to make
sure that the consignment is complete, and that all parts have been delivered.
If you assume or suspect transport damage, or if transport damage becomes apparent only after you have
accepted the delivery, immediately make an exact report of the conditions and any damage as they exist.
Send us this report immediately by fax or e-mail. Important: Absolutely do not make any changes to the
delivered goods.
After we have studied your report, we can make a decision whether we can:
Deliver spare parts to you, or
Send a specialized fitter/installer to your plant, or
Ask that you return the system to us for repair.
1.5.2 Transport
The equipment is delivered in a transport box. The open spaces inside the boxes are filled with cushioning
material to prevent damage during transport. After the equipment has been unpacked from the transport
box, it can be lifted out of the box by hand and moved the place of installation.
The weight is approx. 70 kg.
1.5.3 Commissioning
Place the equipment on an even and vibration-free base with a suitable load-bearing capacity. This equip-
ment is intended for operation in dry rooms.
The ambient conditions that must be observed are as follows:
Permissible temperature conditions:
according to DIN EN 196-3
Permissible relative humidity:
according to DIN EN 196-3
Maximum elevation:
1,000 metres above sea level