Multi Station
Vicat Test Apparatus
Figure 47: air venting
The flow rate is monitored by measuring, with an accuracy of +3%, and displayed on the handset unit as
well as on the PC software as a percentage value
"F: 99%"
The flow rate is a measure of the permeability of the filter.
Figure 48: displaying flow rate
The temperature controller will be turned off to protect the heat exchanger as soon as the flow rate is less
than 10%.
The same effect can be caused by air inclusion in water circulation system or in the case of pump damage.
We recommend cleaning of the filter once a week, but at the latest when the flow
rate falls below F: 50%.
This action protects the heat exchanger as well as the pump.
Furthermore, we recommend cleaning of the entire water cycle with citric acid every
two weeks or when after filter cleaning the flow rate does not reach F: 95%.
After cleaning with citric acid, rinse the water cycle with clear water.
TP: 12 sample 3
TT: 14708 sec
PD: 37.1 mm F: 99%
NT: 1:23 sample 4
In case there is air inside the
pump, you can see here air
bubbles after opening ball
valves. If you do not see any
bubbles more, please close
ball valves.