• If the vehicle begins charging and the
charge port light pulses green, the charge
cable may not have been fully inserted.
The latch may not have engaged during
previous attempts, because the cable was
not fully inserted, even though it may
have appeared to be. AC charging should
no longer be limited and DC Fast
Charging / Supercharging should be
• If charging is still limited or the vehicle
does NOT charge, inspect the charge port
inlet and the charge cable connector for
any obstructions (use flashlight as
necessary). Debris, and/or foreign objects
present in the charge port inlet or the
charge cable connector can prevent the
charge cable from being fully inserted
and the charge port latch from engaging.
If any obstruction is found:
1. Remove the debris / foreign object.
2. Try re-inserting the cable into the
inlet. AC charging should no longer be
limited and DC Fast Charging /
Supercharging should be possible.
Service should only be scheduled if any of the
following conditions are present:
• This alert has appeared / remains present
when the charge cable is confirmed to be
fully inserted during charging.
• This alert has appeared / remains present
during charging after any inlet or
connector obstruction has been removed
or no obstruction was found.
For more information on charging, see
Charging Instructions on page 172
AC charging interrupted
Check power source or
charging equipment
Charging stopped because communication
between the vehicle and the external
charging equipment was interrupted.
Confirm whether the external charging
equipment is powered by looking for any
status lights, displays, or other indicators on
the equipment.
If the equipment is
powered, try to
restore the external charging equipment’s
power source.
• If attempting to charge at a public station
and power is unable to be restored,
contact the station operator.
• If attempting to charge at a private
station (for example: charging at home)
and power is unable to be restored,
contact an electrician.
If the equipment is powered, try charging the
vehicle using different external charging
• If the vehicle begins charging, the issue
was likely with the equipment.
• If the vehicle still does not charge, the
issue may be with the vehicle.
Service should only be scheduled if this alert
has appeared / remains present when the
equipment is powered and the vehicle has
been unable to charge with multiple, different
charging equipment.
For more information on troubleshooting
Mobile Connector or Wall Connector status
lights, refer to the product's Owner's Manual
Charging & Adapter Product Guides
. If
using other external charging equipment,
refer to the manufacturer's provided
documentation for troubleshooting tips.
Charging speed reduced
High temperature detected by
Wall Connector
High temperature detected by Wall
Connector alerts indicate the building
connection to the Wall Connector is getting
too warm, so charging has been slowed to
protect the wiring and Wall Connector.
This is not typically an issue with your vehicle
or your Wall Connector, but rather an issue
with the building wiring. This may be caused
by a loose building wiring connection to the
Wall Connector and can be fixed quickly by
an electrician.
Troubleshooting Alerts