Chapter 1: Introduction
Debugger, I/O driver libraries, sample programs, and batch files. These kits also include a DEBUG ROM
(TDREM_V25) to communicate with Turbo Debugger, a DB9-IDE10 (PC-V25) serial cable to connect the
controller to the PC, and a 9-volt wall transformer. See your Evaluation/Development Kit Technical Manual
for more information on these kits.
After you debug your program, you can test run the V104 in the field, away from the PC, by changing a
single jumper, with the application program residing in the battery-backed SRAM. When the field test is
complete, application ROMs can be produced to replace the DEBUG ROM. The .HEX or .BIN file can be
easily generated with the makefile provided. You may also use the DV Kit or ACTF Kit to download your
application code to on-board Flash.
The three steps in the development of a C/C++ application program are explained in detail below.
Step 1
STEP 1: Debugging
Write your C/C++ application program in C/C++.
Connect your controller to your PC via the PC-V25 serial link cable.
Use the batch file
to compile, link, and locate, or use
to compile, link locate, download,
and debug your C/C++ application program.
VE232 + V104
DC power jack
on the VE232
DC +9V 300 mA
Wall transformer
Center Negative
PC-V25 Cable
Figure 1.4 Step 1 connections for the V104