Operator's Manual
First Edition • First Printing
Part No. 216062
To Position the Platform with Occupants in the
1 Check that the intercom system is turned on at
both the base and platform controls, and always
maintain communication with platform operator
during travel.
2 Check that the platform remote panel switch is
in the off position.
3 Move the appropriate switch according to the
markings on the base control panel or remote
pendant control.
4 Push and hold the hydraulics function enable
Note: Do not maneuver the platform unless an
elevated scaffold is unoccupied and that all
occupants are in a safe area away from possible
To Drive and Steer
1 Check that the intercom system is turned at the
base controls, that the volume is properly
adjusted on both intercoms, and always
maintain communication with platform operator
during travel.
2 Check that the platform remote panel switch is
in the off position.
3 All platform occupants must be clear of all
potential hazards during travel.
4 Release the trailer parking brake.
5 Using the intercom system, receive directions,
and maintain communication, to the platform
operator during travel. Do not maneuver the
platform without their direction.
Operating Instructions
6 Move and hold the drive or steer switches
according to the markings on the base or
remote pendant controls.
7 Push and hold the hydraulics function enable
Note: During travel, always make sure the drive
wheel is maintaining proper contact with the bridge
deck and always ensure that all travel is
accomplished within the traffic control and/or
signaling device regulations as specified by the
agency or governing body having jurisdiction over
the support structure.
If the outriggers are not tracking the desired
direction of travel, use the outrigger wheel bar to
adjust for the direction of travel.
Entering/Exiting the Platform
1 Only enter/exit the platform when it has been
fully deployed and is no longer in motion.
2 Once the platform has been fully deployed,
secure the left handrail bar to the vertical
position, using the retaining pin and its cotter
pin, at the chassis entrance point.
Note: Remember to stow and secure the handrail
bar before stowing the machine otherwise damage
to the handrail/machine will result.
3 Using the provided steps and hand rails,
maintain a three-point contact at all times while
accessing/egressing the platform.