August 2016
5 - 2
AL4 • AL4000
Part No. 218567
Section 5 • Troubleshooting
Possible Cause
Boom will not rise to the
operating position
Yoke pin is in place
Remove yoke pin
Faulty cable or pulley
Inspect and repair as needed
Faulty winch
Inspect and repair as needed
Boom will not telescope
Telescope lock pin closed
Open telescope lock pin
Faulty cable or pulley
Inspect and repair as needed
Faulty winch
Inspect and repair as needed
Engine will not turn over
No power
Inspect and repair battery cables
and connections as needed
Inspect and charge or replace
battery as needed
Inspect and replace fuse
Faulty starter
Inspect and repair as needed
Faulty starter switch
Inspect and repair switch and/or
switch wiring as needed
Engine overheats
Low coolant level
Top off radiator and coolant
overfl ow tank with correct coolant
mixture per engine Operator's
Radiator is blocked
Clear the radiator fi ns
Radiator or cooling system
clogged or corroded
Inspect and repair as needed
Fan or radiator cap faulty
Inspect and repair as needed
Fan belt is loose
Tighten fan belt
Unsuitable fuel used
Drain fuel system and replace
with specifi ed fuel
Thermostat faulty
Inspect and repair as needed
Head gasket faulty
Inspect and repair as needed
Engine runs but produces a
dense smoke
Low compression
Inspect for broken/seized piston
rings OR inspect valve clearance
Crankcase oil level is too high
Drain oil to the proper level
Injector nozzle faulty
Replace injector
Combustion incomplete due to
faulty injector timing, poor valve
adjustment or poor compression
Inspect and repair as needed