Doorphone AA-514
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Triple system, composed of three elements, base system plus two expansion module
If it is used a AA-514 system with two expansion module, for example one AA-516K + AA-516R, please follow the
next indications.
Provide to recess the plastic back box at the right distance between them. To facilitate the installation, with each
back box is provided a particular tube cable that allows to horizzontaly hook the metallic shells side by side, in
order to keep them in the right position to be recessed in the wall. So the tube cable held the function to made
possible the passage of the cables between one back box and the other without having to run other pieces of
corrugated tube.
To facilitate the finishing and the
system/wall junction there is the possibility
to use the wall cover metal frame
accessory called AA-517-C3 with 3
positions side by side.
If the accessory is not provided, the front
panel of the systems with its frame will
simply go directly to the wall, fixed to the
metallic recessed back box.
Even the shield accessory AA-517-T3
(cover for protection of 3 systems) is
designed to be put in place on 3 back box
previously walled with the aid of the
particolar tube cable previously described.
When is used the AA-517-S3 accessory
(single full box for 3 systems), it is not
necessary to recess the plastic back box
to the wall. In fact all the system is fixed
on the wall. First is placed the box, then
the rest of the system.