Doorphone AA-514
Page 33 of 56
8.5.4. CASE 4: system with shared power supply between the system and electric lock
Case in which the system uses the same power source that normally drives the electric lock. Can be realized when
the external source is at 12Vac and power characteristics can support the load represented by the system
(according to its version). For greater convenience, the possibility of bringing the external power supply to the
terminal block TB1.3-4 and to redistribute it to power to the system (from the terminal TB1.1-2 to the terminal
TB4.1-2) allows to make all the necessary connections without ever being forced to insert two wires into a single
terminal block, a practice to be avoided in electrical systems, where and when possible.
In this example, the correct values of the parameters involved in the management of the relays could be:
parameter 138 = 0
the relay1 is activated by telephone code
parameter 137 = 2
pulse time opening driveway gate, relay1, in seconds
electric lock
Power supply