Doorphone AA-514
Page 42 of 56
Range = possible values
Enter your
144 #
Relay 2 activation
Relay 2 activation mode
0 = Activated from telephone command or from access code.
It remains active for the time set in the parameter 142 (eg.
opening door).
1 = After the activation of relay 1, relay 2 will be activated
after the time set in parameter 145 (waiting) for the time set
in parameter 142. For example to light passage following the
opening of a pedestrian gate.
2 = Automatic backlight. Not active when the system is in
Day mode, activated in Night mode.
3 = Follow relay 1. Relay 2 will be active when relay 1 is
active, and not active when relay 1 is off.
Range: 1 digit, value 0-3
137 #
Relay 1 activation
Relay 1 activation time in seconds
Range : max 2 digits,values 1-99
142 #
Relay 2 activation
Relay 2 activation time in seconds
Range : max 2 digist, values 1-99
145 #
Relay 2 delay time
This is the delay time (in seconds) between relay 1 activation
and relay2 activation when the parameter 144 is set to value
Range : max 2 digits, values 0-99
147 #
Logic for activating
relay 1
Establishes the criteria for the activation of the relay 1
0 = contact of the relay 1, N.O. (when active is closed)
1= contact ot the relay 1, N.C. (when active is opened, useful
with electric locks that work with the absence of voltage)
Range: 1 digit, value 0-1
148 #
Logic for activating
relay 2
Establishes the criteria for the activation of the relay 2
0 = contact of the relay 2, N.O. (when active is closed)
1= contact ot the relay 2, N.C. (when active is opened, useful
with electric locks that work with the absence of voltage)
Range: 1 digit, value 0-1
120 #
Telephone code for
relay 1 activation
Open door command (relay 1). It is possibile to force the
system to close the current conversation when this command
is issued. To do this it is necessary to set parameters 119
and 120 with the same value.
Range: max 3 digits, values 0-999, #, *
141 #
Telephone code for
relay 2 activation
Open door command (relay 2).
Range: max 3 digits, values 0-999, #, *
121 #
DAY mode code
Command to set the system in DAY mode.
Range: max 3 digits, values 0-999, #, *
122 #
NIGHT mode code
Command to set the system in NIGHT mode.
Range: max 3 digits, values 0-999, #, *
124 #
Access code to
activate Relay 1 in
DAY mode
External access code to activate relay 1 in DAY mode.
Range: from 1 to 5 digits, only 1-2-3-4 buttons (eg. 12314)
Note: if button has a telephone number associated that start
with the digit “1” and the access code start with “1”, the call is
delayed from the time stored in parameter 128, to allow the
visitor to insert the rest of the access code.
125 #
Access code to
activate Relay 1 in
NIGHT mode
As above for relay 1 in NIGHT mode.
126 #
Access code always
valid for Relay 1
As above for relay 1, code always valid in all operating
164 #
Access code to
activate Relay 2 in
DAY mode
External access code to activate relay 2 in DAY mode.
Range: from 1 to 5 digits, only 1-2-3-4 buttons (eg. 12314)
Note: if button has a telephone number associated that start
with the digit “1” and the access code start with “1”, the call is
delayed from the time stored in parameter 128, to allow the
visitor to insert the rest of the access code.
165 #
Access code to
activate Relay 2 in
NIGHT mode
As above for relay 2 in NIGHT mode.
166 #
Access code always
valid for Relay 2
As above for relay 2, code always valid in all operating
128 #
Max time to insert
access code
Maximum time (in seconds) to enter the access code. If the
access code starts with “1” the call is delayed by this time.
Range: max 2 digits, values 0-99