TP-8/16/24/32/64S User Manual Version No.: V1.2
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Accordingly, set the value small depending on the network rate. The default
value is 1, equal to 15ms;
DTMF Mode: It supports inband, SIPINFO and RFC2833;
DTMF gain: It is defaulted to be -4dB;
Input gain; DSP input gain
Output gain; DSP output gain
Jitter buffer level: It is defaulted to be 120 milliseconds.
Fax parameters
Fax error correction;
Fax modes: It includes three modes of Voi ce, T38 and bypass (T30);
The maximum rate;
High-speed fax redundancy;
Low-speed fax redundancy.
4.4.4 Advanced Settings
Port choice: It means to choose serial number of the port needing configuration;