The Windows 10 IoT operating system supports a Unified Write Filter (UWF) that
provides the ability to write-protect a run-time image. By redirecting all write requests to
an overlay disk or RAM partition, UWF allows the run-time image to maintain the
appearance of a writeable run-time image. The UWF prevents accidental file corruption
when accessing the system or when the system suddenly loses power.
The default state of the UWF is disabled allowing full access to files on the unit. When
you have completed development of your application, we recommended enabling the
filter to prevent accidental data corruption. When the filter is enabled, only writes to the
\ProgramData\Teledyne DALSA and \Program Files\Teledyne DALSA\Sherlock
directories will be allowed, all other system and program directories will be blocked.
The UWF is located in the C:\IPD Install Files directory. The utility has a GUI (graphic
user interface) for displaying status and setting the filter. Changes take effect on the
next system reboot.
If you have run the filter and not yet rebooted, it is still showing the current status
from when you booted, not what you have set for the next reboot!
Windows Unified Write Filter
GV 400 Installation
Version 1.3; 2020-5-14
A “registration form” with an “activation code” was shipped with your unit.
Registration is
You should register with Acronis to obtain a key to unlock this software. Once
unlocked, you can create your own backup files on removable media (a USB thumb
drive) or a network resource.
We suggest you make your own full backup
on a
bootable thumb drive.
Create a Backup
1. Use Windows to make a bootable thumb drive.
2. Use Acronis tools to create a “bootable backup” (you must register first) which
deposits the Acronis restore executable onto the drive.
3. Run Acronis to create a full backup on the thumb drive.
Acronis True Image Software