The iDiscoverGenie utility is provided for discovering GigE cameras connected to the
GV 400 camera ports. Use the iDiscoverGenie interface to change the camera IP
settings to match the IP setting of the camera port. A shortcut to the iDiscoverGenie
program is available on the GV 400 desktop. This utility applies to both Genie Nano and
PIC-2592 cameras.
Click on one of the detected cameras to populate the associated network configuration
on the right. You can then modify the camera IP address to match the camera port IP
segment at the top.
Conflicting IP addresses will be designated by a
icon in the detected camera menu.
Click the “Apply” button to save changes. The Genie and PIC-2592 cameras will
reappear configured at the new address.
Select cameras to use in your iNspect Express configuration by clicking and moving
them to the left panel using the arrow buttons. You can change the camera order by
using the up/down arrow buttons on the left control bar. Save the corrected camera list.
The iDiscoverGenie Utility
Click to save
Click to return to the
GV 400 Installation
Version 1.3; 2020-5-14