929412-00 Rev A
Navigating Long Acquisitions
For signal acquisitions >500 Mpts, measurements and math calculations take place on only the center 500 Mpts—the "Analysis Zone". This area is marked on
the source channel trace by grey shading applied outside of it (over the part not analyzed). You may need to reposition the trace so that the portion you wish
to analyze falls within the Analysis Zone. Also, you may wish to shorten the time it takes to complete a complex analysis by analyzing only the most significant
part of the acquisition. This can be easily done using Timebase controls and/or Zoom.
Navigating with Horizontal Delay
Stop acquisition, then pan/swipe or turn the Horizontal Delay knob until the part of the trace you wish to analyze is within the Analysis Zone.
Your next acquisition will reflect any change to your Timebase settings. If you wish to preserve your initial acquisition settings, save the setup to internal
memory before navigating, then recall it before you resume acquisition.
Math trace now shows how adding Delay shifts Analysis Zone.
Shading over source trace shows edges of Analysis Zone on long acquisition.
Truncated math trace reveals extent of Analysis Zone.