929412-00 Rev A
On setup dialogs, many entries can be made by selecting from the pop-up
menu that appears when you touch a control.
On some pop-up menus, you can choose to display
options as a
or as
When an entry field appears highlighted
in blue after touching, it is
and the value can be
modified by turning the front panel knobs. Fields that don’t
have a dedicated knob (as do Vertical Level or Horizontal
Delay) can be modified using the
Adjust knobs
If you have a keyboard installed, you can type
entries in an active (highlighted) data entry
field. Or, you can touch again, then “type”
the entry using the
virtual keypad
To use the virtual keypad, touch the soft keys
exactly as you would a calculator. When you
touch OK, the calculated value is entered in the
Working with Traces
Trace Descriptor Boxes
Channel (C1-C4), Zoom (Z1-Z12), Math (F1-F12), Memory (M1-M12),
and Digital (Digital1-Digital4) descriptor boxes appear along the bottom
of the grid area when a trace is turned on. Descriptor boxes are used to
summarize, activate, arrange, and configure the traces they represent.
Trace Context Menu
The trace context menu is a quick way to apply math, measurements, or
labels to traces. To open the context menu, right-click with your mouse or
touch-and-hold on the trace descriptor box until a white circle appears,
then release.
Active vs. Inactive Trace
Although several traces may be open and appear on the display, only one at
a time is
. This is true for all traces, regardless of the type. All actions
apply to the active trace until another is selected.
Touch a trace or its descriptor box to
it and bring it to the
When the descriptor box appears highlighted in blue, front panel controls and
touch screen gestures apply to that trace.
Controls will not work
for this trace.
Controls will work
for this trace.