Section 6: On-state characterization of a power MOSFET
Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture User's Manual
8010-900-01 Rev. C / March 2017
Title: Combining SMUs for 100A Example
Description: This script is designed to perform an Rds(on)sweep on a
power MOSFET device. It combines two 2651 SMUs in parallel to perform
a current sweep up to 100A. Data collected from the sweep is then
returned in a Microsoft Excel compatible format for plotting
and analysis.
Equipment needed:
2x 2651
1x 2600
2x TSP-Link Cable
TSP-Link Configuration:
Unit | Node #
2651 #1 | 1
2651 #2 | 2
2600 | 3
Master Node (PC Interface): Node 1
Name: DualSmuRdson(gateLevel, dstart, dstop, dsteps, pulseWidth,
pulsePeriod, pulseLimit)
Description: This function uses two 2651 SMUs to perform a pulsed Rds(on)
sweep with currents up to 100A.
gateLevel: The gate level to be used during the sweep
dstart: The starting current level of the drain sweep
dstop: The ending current level of the drain sweep
dsteps: The number of steps in the drain sweep
pulseWidth: The width of the drain pulse in seconds
pulsePeriod: The time from the start of one drain pulse to
the next in seconds
pulseLimit: The voltage limit of the drain pulse in volts
Note: Actual pulse limit will be 10% lower than setting
to protect SMUs in a compliance condition
Example Usage:
DualSmuRdson(10, 1, 100, 100, 500e-6, 50e-3, 10)
function DualSmuRdson(gateLevel, dstart, dstop, dsteps, pulseWidth, pulsePeriod,
tsplink.reset(3) -- Verify that at least three nodes are present
-- Configure 2651 #1 (Drain SMU 1)
smua.source.func = smua.OUTPUT_DCAMPS
smua.sense = smua.SENSE_REMOTE