Theory of Operation—442 Service
trigger input amplifier Q2164 and the normal trigger input
amplifier (Q2142, Q2144, and Q2152). When the SLOPE
switch is in the +OUT position, the output at the collector
of Q2142 is in phase with the trigger source signal.
Transistors Q2142, Q2144, and Q2152 convert the current
signal from the collectors of Q2134 or Q2136 to a voltage
signal for triggering the Schmitt trigger.
TV Trigger Circuit
Active devices Q2164, Q2174, Q2176, U2156B, C, D,
and associated circuitry comprise the TV trigger circuit.
When the MODE switch is in TV, R2186 is disconnected
from +8 volts which allows trigger signals from the
collectors of Q2134 and Q2136 to pass through the TV
trigger circuit. (In AUTO and NORM, the +8 volts applied
to R2186 biases Q2164 to saturation.)
Transistor Q2164 is a high gain feedback amplifier. To
achieve stable triggering on TV signals, the LEVEL control
must be set at a point that will allow the sync pulses to
appear within the dynamic range of the amplifier.
The sync separator circuit consists of Q2174 and
associated circuitry. It processes sync-positive pulses
when the SLOPE switch is in the TOUT position and sync
negative pulses in the —IN position. Transistor Q2174
produces large positive-going pulses from negative-going
sync signals at the collector of Q2164.
In the TV field mode (SEC/DIV switch set for .1 ms or
slower), Q2176 is saturated (since base is grounded), and
the integrator (composed of C2174, C2176, R2174, and
R2176) is switched into the circuit (effectively connected
to +8 volts through saturated Q2176). The integrator
filters out the horizontal sync pulses, leaving only the
integrated vertical sync pulses, which trigger the TV
Schmitt trigger U2156B and U2156C.
In the TV line mode (SEC/DIV switch set for 50 /is or
faster), Q2176 is turned off (base open), disconnecting
C2174 and C2176 from +8 volts. Capacitors C2174 and
C2176 no longer integrate the pulses, thus allowing both
the horizontal and vertical sync pulses to passthrough to
the TV Schmitt trigger.
Schmitt Triggers
The Schmitt trigger for the NORM and AUTO triggering
modes consists of U2156A, U2156B, and associated
circuitry. Hysteresis of thistriggercircuitisdetermined by
R2152, R2153, and R2151.
The Schmitt trigger for the TV triggering mode is
U2156B, U2156C, U2156D, and associated circuitry.
Resistors R2154 and R2178 determine the sensitivity.
When the MODE switch S2150 is in AUTO or NORM, +8
volts is applied to R2156, which causes pin 1 of U2156Ato
go HI enabling Schmitt trigger U2156A-U2156B. At the
same time, pins 12 and 13 of U2156D are also HI, disabling
Schmitt trigger U2156C-U2156B. A Trigger signal from
Q2152 triggers Schmitt trigger U2156A-U2156B to
produce a logic trigger signal at pin 6 of U2156B.
When the MODE switch S2150 is in TV, the +8 volts is
removed from R2156 and pin 1 of U2156A is LO, disabling
Schmitt trigger U2156A-U2156B. Pins 12 and 13 of
U2156D are LO, enabling Schmitt trigger U2156B-
U2156C. The trigger signal from the TV sync separator
triggers Schmitt trigger U2156B-U2156C to produce a
logic trigger signal at pin 6 of U2156B.
(Diagram 5)
Sweep Generator
The sweep is produced by a Miller Integrator circuit
consisting of Q2242, Q2244, and Q2246. A sweep ramp is
initiated at the collector of Q2246 when pin 3 of U2234A
goes LO, and is terminated when pin 3 goes HI (see Timing
diagram, Figure 3-1).
In the NORM triggering mode, pin 2 of U2212A is HI,
allowing a positive-going trigger signal at pin 1 of U2212A
to cause pin 3 of U2234A to go LO (via U2212D and
U2234C). This reverse biases CR2233 and CR2234, and
allows the timing capacitor (selected by SEC/DIV switch
S2550) to charge, producing a sweep ramp at the collect or
of Q2246. When the sweep ramp reaches about 12 volts,
Q2274 turns on. This causes pin 7 of U2224Atogo LO, pin
8 of U2234C to go LO, and pin 3 of U2234A to go HI. When
pin 3 of U2234A goes HI, CR2233 and CR2234 are forward
biased, terminating the sweep. Pin 7 of U2224A remains
LO for a length of time (hold-off time) determined by
C2275, C2274, R2271, R2274, and HOLD OFF control
R2272. Three hold-off times are selected by SEC/DIV
switch S2550 and varied by R2272. After the selected hold-
off time, U2224A pin 7 goes HI. Thisallowsthe next trigger
signal to switch pin 3 of U2234A LO and again start the
In the AUTO triggering mode, when no trigger signal
occurs at pin 11 of U2224B for about 50 ms, pin 10 of
U2224B goes LO, causing the sweepto start afterthe hold-
off time ends. This allows the sweep to free run and
provide a reference display. When a trigger signal is
present, pin 11 of U2224B goes HI, then LO (when trigger
signal ends), and the time constant of C2226 and R2226
prevents pin 10 from going LO as long as the repetition
rate of the trigger signal is higher than about 20 Hz.
R E V A M A Y 1980
Содержание 442
Страница 9: ...442 Service 442 Oscilloscope viii REV A MAY 1980 ...
Страница 113: ...Figure 7 4 442 Oscilloscope block diagram REV A JUN 1980 2 3 7 4 2 7 A ...
Страница 117: ...A8 VERTICAL BOARD Figure 7 6 Vertical circuit board location ...
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Страница 123: ...Figure 7 8 interface circuit board location ...
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Страница 130: ...A ll TRIGGER SWITCH BOARD 2 3 7 4 3 6 A Figure 7 10 Trigger Switch circuit board location ...
Страница 131: ...2 3 7 4 S 4 R ev jun VRSO V E R T IC A L OUT PUT CRT t PROBE ADJ 3 ...
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Страница 140: ...4 4 Z ...
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Страница 145: ...A14 HORIZONTAL OUTPUT BOARD 2 3 7 4 4 0 A Figure 7 14 Horizontal Output circuit board locations ...
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