Performance Check/Calibration—Type 324
2. DC voltmeter (V O M )1. Minimum sensitivity, 10,000
ohms/volt; accuracy, checked to within 1% at —1900 volts.
For example, Triplett Model 630-NA.
3. Variable DC power supply. Voltage range, at least +6
to +16 volts; current capability, at least 1.0 ampere; output
voltage, measured within 3% except where noted. For
example, Trygon Model HR40-750.
Test oscilloscope. Bandwidth, DC to four megahertz;
minimum deflection factor, 10 millivolts/division; accuracy,
within 3%. Sony/Tektronix Type 323 Oscilloscope recom
Time-mark generator. Marker output, 0.1 micro
second to 0.1 second; marker.accuracy, within 0.1%. Tek
tronix Type 184 Time-Mark Generator recommended.
Standard amplitude calibrator. Amplitude accuracy,
within 0.25%; signal amplitude, five millivolts to 100 volts;
output signal, square wave. Tektronix calibration fixture
067-0502-01 recommended.
7. Square-wave generator. Must have the following out
put capabilities (may be obtained from separate gener
ators): 120 volts amplitude at one kilohertz repetition rate
with a one microsecond risetime; 500 millivolts into 50
ohms at one kilohertz and one megahertz repetition rates
with a 50 nanosecond risetime. Tektronix Type 106
Square-Wave Generator recommended (meets both output
High-frequency constant-amplitude sine-wave gener
ator. Frequency, 350 kilohertz to above 10 megahertz;
reference frequency, 50 kilohertz; output amplitude, vari
able from five millivolts to 0.5 volt into 50 ohms; ampli
tude accuracy, constant within 3% at 50 kilohertz and from
350 kilohertz to above 10 megahertz. Tektronix Type 191
Constant Amplitude Signal Generator recommended.
Low-Frequency constant-amplitude sine-wave gener
ator. Frequency, two hertz to 100 kilohertz; output ampli
tude, variable from 50 millivolts to 16 volts peak to peak;
amplitude accuracy, constant within 3% from two hertz to
100 kilohertz. For example, General Radio 1310-A Oscil
lator (use a General Radio Type 274QBJ Adaptor to pro
vide BNC output).
1 If a precision voltage divider is available fo r use w ith the precision
D C vo ltm ete r (such as Flu ke 8 0 E -2 V oltage D iv id e r), it is recom
mended fo r m ore accurate adjustm ent o f the high-voltage supply.
10. AC power cord. Fits AC POWER jack of Type 324.
Tektronix Part No. 161-0043-00 (supplied accessory).
11. Patch cord (two). Length, 18 inches; connectors,
banana plug-jack on both ends. Tektronix Part No.
1X Probe with BNC connector. Tektronix P6011
Probe recommended.
Cable. Impedance, 50 ohms; type, RG-58/U; length,
4 2
inches; c o n n e c to rs ,
BNC. Tektronix Part No.
Calibration shield. Sony/Tektronix calibration fix
ture 067-0622-00.
Adapter. Adapts G R874 connector to BNC male
connector. Tektronix Part No. 017-0063-00.
16. Termination. Impedance, 50 ohms; accuracy, +2%;
connectors, BNC. Tektronix Part No. 011-0049-01.
17. 10X attenuator. Impedance, 50 ohms, accuracy,
±2% , connectors, BNC. Tektronix Part No. 011-0059-01.
18. Input RC normalizer. Time constant, 1 megohm X
47 pF; attenuation, 2X; connectors, BNC. Tektronix cali
bration fixture 067-0541-00.
10X probe for Type 324 (and Type 323 test oscillo
scope). Tektronix P6049 Probe recommended (supplied
20. BNC post jack. Tektronix Part No. 012-0092-00.
21. BNC T connector. Tektronix Part No. 103-0030-00.
Patch cord. Length, six inches; connectors, banana
plug-jack and BNC male. Tektronix Part No. 012-0089-00
(supplied accessory).
Cable. Impedance, 50 ohms; type, RG-58/U; length,
18 in ch es, c o n n e c to rs ,
BNC. Tektronix Part No.